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Tune Kits > Hornet MK6-R9,10,11-HW95-85 FAC. Kit
Hornet MK6-R9,10,11-HW95-85 FAC. Kit

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Price: $89.00
Availability: made to order
Prod. Code: TAR9KT6

Custom Guides X 2,  Hornet spring and black tar. Good for all calibers. Now with new Aircraft CVPP spring.

These kits are updated often so they may vary from one run to the other without prior notice.


On the R10-HW85 you can add one of our .790 spacers listed on these pages.

The R10 can use the R9 seals but the old guns were tighter as the R9 tube grew over the years. So the seal will require sizing to fit. Even the HW OEM seal varies and I have seen many sizes. Order 10 and you will see.