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Tune Kits > Updated- Beeman R8- Old HW50 Kit
Updated- Beeman R8- Old HW50 Kit

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Price: $69.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: BR8

Updated 4-2014

Tighter fitting guide- all new mainspring- easier install- a bit more power without extra cocking effort


All new for the R8 and Beeman- ARH Old HW50. Not the new Euro HW50-HW99-R6. Works with both leather and synthetic seal versions. Factory new or better power. Rear  guide with built in spacing, spring, and tar.

Since the piston varies and many short pistons exist, we are building in spacing and using one long guide instead of risking the gun not cocking if you have one of the short piston guns.

We now ship these spaced for the short piston guns.

You can order 2 or 3 .790 spacers in case you have a longer piston and that will help reach max power for your gun although these guns are not very powerful as a rule. With these spacers if the gun does not cock, remove as required.