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Fwb 124-127 Accessories > NEW- FWB Forend Washers- Set Of Two
NEW- FWB Forend Washers- Set Of Two

Price: $2.00
Availability: This product is back-ordered; it is unavailable for ordering at this time please come back or continue shopping.
Prod. Code: FWBWASH150


These fit the forend screw holes and eliminate the damaging star washers and flat

washer OEM setup. You receive two washers- one for each side.

No other spacers or washers required. Helps eliminate screws from

hitting the detent sledge in the receiver and stopping the screw from bottoming out.

Black- rust free.

Will fit other 5mm screws like HW etc. On those if the stock is new with no compression

these are a few thousands too high. But any used stock they should flush out fine.

.149 " thick average

.200 " + ID hole

OD- .387 inch